‘Daring Greatly’

Written by David Hall | Posted in Article Sunday, August 12th, 2018

Hello everyone!

This is my first blog post on this website and a great opportunity for me to welcome you to Phoenix Hypnotherapy, my private practice based in Lee-on-the-Solent.  A big welcome to you!

It’s an exciting time for me and I have to be honest it feels a little daunting too. I’m thinking what’s the best way to use this space!

As a hypnotherapist I am committed to supporting my clients to improve their lives. We live in a fast paced and challenging world and need to look after both our minds and bodies so that we can feel successful and fulfilled.

But I also know that there is a stigma around mental health, particularly when we are not feeling as strong as we could be. Sadly, too many of us are scared to be open about how we are feeling because we may be ashamed or worried about how others may judge us. Challenging this stigma and raising awareness about mental health are two things that I’m keen to do.

So that’s how I’d like to use this blog space.

Like I said, it feels a bit daunting and just a tad scary. If I’m really honest, it’s making me feel a bit vulnerable too. After all, I’m putting out my thoughts into cyberspace without any clue as to how they will be received – positively or otherwise.

I’m taking my inspiration from a TED Talk I saw recently by the research professor and author Dr Brene Brown and I am currently reading her book, ‘Daring Greatly’. This is all about embracing our vulnerability, having the courage to be our true selves and live wholeheartedly.

So here I go…
